Tuesday, November 28, 2023

KeKe Palmer Is Having A "Rude Awakening"

     Keke’s “rude awakening” when it came to misogyny and disrespect in relationships.

Keke: “So misogyny came at me hard and quick, with the quickness. I grew up in a house where my mom would say, this is what it needs to be. And Larry would be like, “Okay Sharon, Go on ahead Sharon.”

So for me, when I entered outside of my household and I saw that everybody doesn’t really respect their wives or even women in the way that my dad respects my mom, it was a pretty rude awakening.”

         Keke asks, how do I know if I’m the bad one in a relationship?

Keke: “So I think a lot of people have this question and the question is: Am I the bad one? We're all in different dynamics with friends, family, and lovers, and you find yourself saying, well damn it, am I playing a game on myself, and I'm actually the person that's doing wrong? How does someone know if they're, and look, it takes two to tango, right? But how does someone know when they did the wrong thing and they're really the issue. How do you know when you're the issue?

Dr. Drew: “Keke, the person who is re-evaluating themselves, trying to do what's right, contemplating they could be doing what's wrong, that is rarely the person who's doing wrong.”

         On not being seen in an intimate scene.

Keke: “And at that point, it was just like, I choose happiness and I choose joy, and I don't choose to go back there. And like you said, as time goes on, I'm like, I'm good, whatever that was, I'm good. But then I reach that reenactment, and the reenactment is, here it is again, someone doesn't see me. I put myself in an intimate scenario with someone where they don't see me…. they didn't see me.

Dr. Drew: “Oh boy. There it is. There it is. So,  that's very powerful. You're talking about leaving a piece of yourself behind.”

Keke Palmer has questions for days, about everything under the sun. From the existential to the inconsequential. From pop culture to pop science. From the meaning of life to the meaning of W.A.P. From life in outer space to “Where the eff is Tom from MySpace?“ And everything in between. Because Baby, this is Keke Palmer, and she is here for All. Of. It.

Each week, the multi-talented Keke is taking you on a journey down the rabbit hole on a topic that she cannot stop obsessing over. She’ll also get deep with special guests, trying to answer the questions that keep us up at night. We are getting INTO IT. Episodes are available one week early and ad-free on Amazon Music (available for free for Prime Members) and Wondery+.

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